
Showing posts from June, 2020

Beloved (Part 1)

Toni Morrison: Playing in the Dark/"Recitatif"


Black Madness :: Mad Blackness/Anti-Oedipus

Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments/Thick and Other Essays

Revolting Prostitutes/"Onticide"

"Brother Isom"/Speculum of the Other Woman/This Sex Which Is Not One

"Interstices: A Small Drama of Words" (1984)/Intercourse (1987)

Octavia Butler: "Speech Sounds"/"A Few Rules For Predicting the Future"

Toni Morrison's Nobel Prize Speech (1993)/Jean-Paul Sartre's Nobel Prize Rejection Letter (1964)

"The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House"/"Under Western Eyes"

"Rootedness: The Ancestor as Foundation"

Angela Davis: An Autobiography (1974)